“Despite the chill in the air as I gazed out over the rich tapestry of the Northern Tablelands, just east of Tenterfield, I felt a warmth spreading through my chest, a sense of belonging and connection to this land that had been shaped over millennia by wind and water and fire. The stillness of the winter morning only served to amplify the power of the landscape before me, reaching out in open embrace.”
Welcoming Scott McDougall in his debut showing at Weswal Gallery, Embrace.
A contemporary realist painter with an extensive exhibition history, Scott has produced a body of work that references the stunning New England High Country, from Tenterfield through to Armidale. Exquisitely detailed, these paintings capture the vastness and luminous light experienced in ‘Big Sky Country’.
Express your interest in this exhibition by emailing the gallery at info@weswalgallery.com.au